Show and Tell 2nd Edition

A three-level course for Pre-Primary education

Creating young thinkers with great futures

Centred on an enquiry-based approach, this three-level course equips students with the communication and thinking skills they need to transition smoothly into Primary school.


Gabby Pritchard, Kathryn Harper, Margaret Whitfield



Prepare students for school readiness and future success

Brand-new resources and content builds on Show and Tell’s tried and trusted methodology, helping learners build critical-thinking and cross-curricular skills in preparation for Primary education.

Explore, Question and Challenge

Children take an active role in their learning process through discovery and play, while answering the Big Question in every unit which encourages young learners to use their imagination and learn about the world around them.

Develop literacy and numeracy skills

The new and improved Activity Book, plus the Literacy and Numeracy books, provides extra practice for further development of early literacy and numeracy skills.

Support parents’ involvement in their child’s learning journey with flexible and enriching home-school resources

Parent’s guide and the Lingokids™ home learning app ensure a fun and motivating way for parents to encourage English practice at home with their child.

Discover more about the course in this handy overview:


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