Insight 2nd Edition

A five-level course for Secondary education

Empower, Develop, Inspire

Insight 2nd Edition's rich, meaningful content keeps students motivated and involved, placing a deep engagement with contemporary issues at the heart of every lesson. Real-world and inspiring topics, with a focus on Global Skills, empower learners to think critically about the world around them, while regular Reviews, self-evaluation lessons and strategy boxes encourage students to develop strategies for lifelong learning.


Jayne Wildman, Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones, Alexandra Paramour, Fiona Beddall


CEFR A2 – C1

  • Empower learners to think deeply about the world around them: focus on Global Skills to help learners achieve lifelong success in today’s global world. Thought-provoking and information-rich texts inspire your students to think critically about topics that matter.
  • Develop strategies for lifelong learning: ‘Assess Your Progress’ sections allow students to take responsibility for their own learning. Writing lessons guide learners through the writing process with clear model texts, strategy boxes, and ‘Planning for writing’ sections.
  • Inspire students to go further: Integrated skills pages reflect the way English is really used to prepare students for real-world communication. A challenging syllabus helps learners progress with extensive vocabulary coverage and guided discovery grammar lessons.
  • Support with digital and exam preparation: Online Practice supports student learning by providing additional interactive activities for grammar, vocabulary, and skills work, ideal training for exams.

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