CLIL World Natural & Social Sciences

A six-level course for Primary education

Inspiring today's students for tomorrow's world

Motivate and engage students of all abilities with CLIL World, a 6-level course for Natural and Social Sciences that prepares them for the future.

Provide students with real life situations of the world around them to actively observe and analyse as they experiment and solve challenges. Each lesson teaches students about the natural and social world, and provides the English language scaffolding they need. Videos explaining the content, experiments and interactive maps keep students engaged and motivated, while projects and challenges encourage students to become active citizens for the future.

NEW Blended Solution

Your students can enjoy all the benefits of the print and the digital book for flexible learning wherever they are.


Nina Lauder, Lisa Davies, Plácido Bazo, Marcos Peñate

Discover more about the course in this handy brochure:

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  • Enter the world of inclusive learning, and support students of all learning styles to reach their individual learning goals. Keep them engaged with games and infographics, and provide the scaffolding they need to develop their English language skills with the Language Learning Lab. Help students become competent autonomous learners with the Active Learning Kit, a digital self-study resource with gamified skills practice and interactive activities.
  • Enter the world of competence-based learning, where students are equipped with the skills they need for tomorrow’s world. The STEAM focus develops students’ scientific competences and problem-solving skills, while self-assessment tasks encourage them to take more control over their own learning.
  • Enter the real world through an exciting and easy-to-use blended package that taps into children’s reality. Introduce children to global issues and empower them to become active citizens through Learning Situations linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. WebQuests engage students to understand new perspectives of the world we live in, while developing digital literacy and critical thinking skills.

CLIL World is designed as part of the Oxford Bilingual Journey. Learn more here about how English language teaching and content in English are united in our cross-curricular approach.

How does CLIL World respond to the LOMLOE?

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