Get ready for the Oxford Test of English Advanced
Try this test-specific preparation to get your best result.
The better you know the test format, the more comfortable and confident you’ll be on the test day.
An overview of the Oxford Test of English Advanced
Qué es la mediación y cómo se evalúa en el Oxford Test of English Advanced
Module walkthrough videos
How to prepare for the different modules
Free online preparation course

Practice the skills and strategies you need to achieve your best result in the Oxford Test of English Advanced.
This free online course is divided into modules to support each of the four skills – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each module provides interactive practice with instant feedback on answers. Short video clips familiarize test takers with the format of the tasks and test hints build students’ confidence ahead of test day.
Practice Tests
Get familiar with the question types and format of the exam. Specific activities and explanatory answer keys are available to practise every skill.
C1 Practice Test 1
Oxford Test of English Advanced
C1 Practice Test 2
Oxford Test of English Advanced
Sample test
Designed to give you an understanding of the content you’ll find in the online demo.
Try the online demo

Taking a test online is a different experience to traditional paper-based tests. It’s faster, easier to navigate, and tests you on skills you’re likely to use every day. But don’t just take our word for it!
Try our online demo to familiarize yourself with how it feels to take a test online, and the types of questions you might encounter when you take the Oxford Test of EnglishAdvanced.
Please note:
- By accessing a demo you are not registering for the test.
- You will not get results or a certificate.
- Each demo is free to use as many times as you want.
- You can close the demo at any point. You do not have to answer all of the questions.
- Do you have any special requirements? You can view options on our test takers page.