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Oxford Big Read

English Pronunciation
for a Global World

Discover why successful communication doesn’t require a native speaker accent
in today’s world.

Read our position paper to:

  • Discover why international intelligibility is overtaking native-speaker accent as the most relevant
    pronunciation goal for learners of English today.
  • Learn why you don’t need a native speaker accent to teach and assess pronunciation effectively.
  • Discover why non-native speakers can sometimes serve as better role models for learners.

Learner benefits:

  • Equip learners for effective international communication and prepare them to interact with English
    speakers from around the world.
  • Contribute to the development of speaking and listening skills.
  • Improve vocabulary development and help students learn to read in English more effectively.

Teacher benefits:

  • Get practical advice from our expert panel to help you teach pronunciation with confidence.
  • Join professional development events and get exclusive cla
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